Issue Position: The 2018 Budget

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Kevin has always favored making government more efficient, more responsive to the needs of the people, and responsible to the people it serves. This means when money gets tight, we need to eliminate unnecessary programs and services and get to a sustainable budget for all Alaskans. Kevin's efforts in the budget subcommittee process shows his commitment to finding the right-size of government. Each of Kevin's subcommittees recommended cuts to the budget and did their part to protect needed services while finding ways to become more effective in delivering state programs.

We need to be thinking about the long-term and ensure a level of stability for our economy. That is why Kevin is 100% behind the Senate's effort to institute a spending cap. This year the Senate passed SB 196, Alaska's Appropriation Limit, and demonstrated a strong desire to rein in spending even in years of high revenue growth.

Kevin also sponsored legislation that could require a public vote on any statewide broad-based tax. He believes such a massive shift in public policy should require the input of those who will be most affected by it.
